What's Happening & CLC Calendar
Tunnel Vision - Capital Campaign
Spencer Lake Christian Center is building an underground ADA complaint pedistrian tunnel to improve the safety of its guests. The goal is to have it completed by Spring 2025. There is a significant cost to this important project (estimated cost of $900,000). Christian Life Church has pledged $50,000. Would you consider helping us reach our goal?
Jersey Sunday
February 9th
both services
Have a favorite team? Show your team spirit on February 9th. Its Superbowl Sunday, but show us who you wish was there! Don't like football, but love hockey or basketball or... Lets have some fun and show each other the team we love!
Annual Church Family Meeting
February 16th
Our Annual Church Family Meeting is for anyone who considers CLC their home church.
We will share a pot-luck meal with a focus on "Chili". Please bring a dish to share.
Please let us know you are coming!
Ranger Derby
Friday, Feb 21st: Registration and Trial Runs
Saturday, Feb 22nd: Race Day!
Winter Retreat @ Spencer Lake
February 21-22nd, 2025
Open to all 6th-12th grade students
Winter Retreat is a 2 day (1 night) event for 6th-12th grade students at Spencer Lake Christian Center. Early bird deadline to register is February 7th by 4pm.
Registration is online only. You MUST use the Group Hold Code: "WRPLYMCL" when registering.
Open Prayer
NOW EVERY Monday @6pm
Come and join other believers and pray in the Main Sanctuary. Believing in a Holy Spirit Movement!
Sunday Morning Prayer
Sundays @8AM Room 7
Come and join other believers and pray for our services. Lower Level, Room 7
Pastors' Prayer Partners
Every 1st Wednesday of the month @3:30pm
Come and pray over our Pastors. They will share their prayer requests. Meet in the Lobby by the fireplace.